We offer retreats outside of Atlanta on the following dates:
- January 6 - 8, 2023
- June 16-18, 2023
- October 20-22, 2023
- How do I register for the retreat?
Please fill out our secure online retreat registration form and also the client intake form below.
To request hard copy forms instead on online forms, please reach out to our program director at [email protected]
- How much does the retreat cost?
The total cost of the retreat is $225.00. A deposit of $50.00 reserves your spot for the upcoming retreat. Payment in full is requested a week prior to the retreat.
- How do I pay for the retreat?
Payment can be made three different ways:
MAIL: Send a check made payable to PAC (no cash) through the USPS mail to PAC, PO Box 92, Atlanta, GA 30077.
(Please note on your check - Rachel's Vineyard Retreat)
TEXT: Simply text the key word RACHEL to 91999 (This will launch a digital donation form on your phone where you can complete your payment).
ONLINE: By clicking on the blue box below will take you to our secure payment processing.